
Archive for June 1st, 2010

It doesn’t look like BP and the feds are going to stop the flow of oil anytime soon.  What happens when that sh_t starts washing up on the shores of the Lone Star State?  Does it become an issue in the race for governor?   It is already taking a toll on tourism in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.  The BP fellas have that look in their eyes that they don’t know what to do at this point. It is being called the all time U.S. of A. environmental catastrophe.  I hate to say this but unless there is an act of God, this thing is heading our way sometime this summer.

Speaking of, does the state have a plan to deal with this or are we just going to sit on the dock by the bay and watch this thing come ashore?   Do we have an oil spill contingency plan?  I wonder if my buddy Bill King has plan.

I’m thinking it is going to be tough for any side to score any points on this oil spill.  Yeah, The President is in charge of the situation, but the GOP has had a bigger love affair with the oil companies.

An impressive group of H-Town leaders came out with a Declaration of Principles on Immigration Reform in this past weekend’s Chron.   Check it out.   Too bad our two U.S. Senators are ignoring them.

The ‘Stros are now a miserable 17-34.  What is the best the team has ever been after 51 games?

Bonus: The U.S. Constitution and the New York Yankees have what number in common?

The Chron said we would go 13-16 in May and instead we went 9-20.  The Chron said we would be 22-29 at this point and we are not.

In 1998 of course after 51 games the ‘Stros were 32-19.

Twenty-seven of course as the U.S. Constitution has twenty-seven amendments and the New York Yankees have twenty-seven World Serious Championships.

FRUSTRATION was clearly on Roy O’s mind yesterday when he was given the old heave ho in the third inning and it went all downhill from there.  Well, it is three more with the Nationals and all we can do is watch.


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