
Archive for February 24th, 2016


On CNN this morning, a congressional backer of Sen. Marco Rubio said the Rubio campaign had momentum. Ok, sure.

And it looks like the new strategy for the Sen. Ted Cruz campaign for the coming week is to defend Texas. Ok, so if Cruz wins his home state of Texas next week he is viable – right?

Last night’s Nevada results were a severe arse kicking. It is Donald Trump’s race to lose folks.

In Early Voting in Person in Harris County in the Dem Primary, with three days left including today, Palm Center is at 20.5% of its 2008 Dem Primary turnout. Sunnyside is at 19.7%, and Acres Home 14.3%. West Gray is 30%, Moody Park 25.6%. Ripley 40.5%, and HCC Southeast 20.3% In all fairness though, in 2008, African American precincts voted at a 30% or better turnout and Latino precincts at 20% plus. I am thinking that Ripley is at 40.5% because of the new housing development in that area over the past eight years.

Hillary versus Obama was obviously a lot more exciting than Hillary versus Bernie.

When Jason Castro and Jose Altuve take the field at catcher and second base on Opening Day it will make for how many consecutive Opening Day starts for each?

The Hillary Clinton campaign is running ads in Texas targeting Latino voters but H-Town Latinos won’t get to watch them. Oh, well, what a diss – again. Check this from the Chron:

Who does Hillary Clinton want and need to show up for the March 1 primary in Texas? Look no further than the group of TV ads that the campaign said Tuesday would run in heavily Latino media markets across the state.

The first ad, titled “Brave,” shows Clinton consoling the daughter of undocumented immigrant parents who fear they’ll be deported. Clinton relied on this ad to keep her ahead during the Nevada caucuses, where she needed Latino voters, particularly older Latino voters, to hold back Sen. Bernie Sanders’ momentum.

“I’m going to do everything I can so you don’t have to be scared and you don’t have to worry about what’s going to happen to your mom or your dad or somebody else in your family,” Clinton tells the girl during a Las Vegas event earlier this month.

With that ad, in part, Clinton got her first solid win in the Democratic race so far, and they’re hoping the commercial will have the same effect in Texas. “Brave” will run in El Paso and the Harlingen-McAllen media markets, according to the campaign.

The Clinton campaign also is running a new ad called “Believer,” which features Latino families – mostly Latina mothers, to be exact – and stresses her support for immigration reform and passing the Children’s Health Insurance Program. This one, not surprisingly, will run in the same Latino-dominated media markets along the border.

The final two ads, called “Breaking Barriers” and “The Same,” focus on the broader themes her campaign has tried to hammer for months. They feature her support for raising wages and equal pay for women. The two 30-second ads are running in Waco and Beaumont, the campaign said.

A University of Texas/Texas Tribune poll released Tuesday showed that Clinton’s play for Latino and African-American voters here is paying off for her. While Sanders has the most support from white Democrats, the former secretary of state trounces Sanders with black voters, 70 percent to 27 percent, and Latino voters, 60 percent to 37 percent.

“It’s her state to lose,” the poll’s co-director Daron Shaw, a government professor at UT-Austin, told the Tribune. “Whether this race is 10 points or 18 points rests almost entirely on your opinion of whether Hispanics are going to turn up to vote.”

From the it is good to be king department, supposedly “caretaker” Precinct 1 Commissioner Gene Locke now says he may want the Dem nomination after all. He must have had a conversation with the other “caretaker” county elected official – the Precinct 6 Constable. Oh, well.

Jason Castro and Jose Altuve will be making their fifth consecutive Opening Day starts of course.

Nothing to report from Spring Training today.

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