
Archive for February 1st, 2016

As Iowa prepares to caucus this evening, many in the national media are saying that folks in Iowa are the first voters in the 2016 presidential contest. That is not really true. Yesterday I went to Baytown to visit with my parents. We were sitting around talking politics when my parents pulled out their Dem Primary mail ballots and they asked me about a few local contested races as they were putting the Xs by their choices. Both voted for Hillary for president. As I was driving home I was listening to CNN on the SiriusXM gizmo and heard a reporter say Iowans would be the first to vote and I thought, hey wait a minute, I just saw my parents cast their presidential vote. Iowa is not first.   Oh, well.

The Chron had a chart on past presidential races on page A16 yesterday. For the 1952 election, they had as the Dem’s nominee, Harry Truman. I was always taught our nominee that year was Adlai Stevenson. What do I know?

Number 14 of the ‘Stros was born in Iowa. Who am I talking about?

Nationally syndicated columnist Ruben Navarrette, Jr. does not think the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce should have endorsed HUD Secretary Julian Castro for Hillary Clinton’s running mate. Checkout Navarrette here: http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2016/jan/29/hillary-clinton-julian-castro-vice-president/.

I don’t have a problem with the Chamber endorsing Castro for VP. I do think they should have waited until Hillary wins a few caucuses and primaries though.

Let’s see. The HISD school board voted to add a few magnet programs and now the superintendent says there is no money for the new programs. Oh, well. Just another day at HISD these days.

Skipper A.J. Hinch of course was born in Waverly, Iowa.

I have no idea who is going to win tonight in Iowa. I will be watching though.

Nothing from The Yard today.

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