
Archive for February 11th, 2016

What Happens!

Speaking of South Carolina, this one is for old timers. This Yankee great is a South Carolina native and holds the record for most RBIs in a World Serious. Who am I talking about?

I went by to visit my parents yesterday and I asked my Mom what she thought of the New Hampshire results. She was not too happy. She says Sen. Bernie Sanders is talking about stuff he will never get implemented.

My Dad and I agreed that it probably would have been better if more Dems had gotten into the race for Prez instead of just a handful.

This is from a column in today’s Chron:

Marcus: Clinton must now fight for the female vote

Ruth Marcus says the candidate needs to figure out how to better speak to young women, who are flocking to rival Sanders.

WASHINGTON – In a devastating outcome for Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, this was the most unkindest cut of all: Women flocked to Bernie Sanders. Not by single digits, but by a margin of 55 percent to 44 percent.

These numbers matter, and not, as Shakespeare wrote of Brutus stabbing Caesar, because “ingratitude, more strong than traitors’ arms, quite vanquish’d him.” Clinton is not vanquished by what she and her supporters may see as female voters’ ingratitude; she will soldier on.

Here is the entire column: http://www.houstonchronicle.com/opinion/outlook/article/Marcus-Clinton-must-now-fight-for-the-female-vote-6821753.php.

What happens if Secretary Clinton stumbles in Nevada or South Carolina? Is there a Plan B?

From Rebecca Elliott on yesterday’s H-Town City Council meeting:

A request to fund a 60-foot artwork commissioned for the George R. Brown Convention Center sparked an existential debate over Houston’s identity Wednesday, when some City Council members expressed concern that public art depicting migratory birds does not accurately reflect the city’s brand.

The mobile of perforated steel birds and clouds due to be completed by next month already has been the subject of controversy.

The Houston Arts Alliance commissioned the sculpture from Houston artist Ed Wilson in late 2014, before rescinding and re-awarding the artist’s contract amid concerns about the selection process.

Asked to approve the transfer of more than $1 million to pay for the project authorized last year, however, several council members on Wednesday questioned whether the city should be promoting artwork depicting birds.

“Bird migration. Why?” Councilman Robert Gallegos asked during an 18-minute debate alternately tense and jesting. “How are we promoting the city with global trade, space exploration? That’s what Houston is. I don’t have a problem that you want to promote the birds, but promote global trade.”


Jumping to the defense of Wilson’s artwork and its subject were Council members David Robinson and Karla Cisneros, who extolled the role of migratory birds in the Houston region.

“Ornithography, migratory birds, it is part of our regional culture whether we like it or not,” Robinson said. “I think it’s not to be disparaged necessarily, but embraced.”

Cisneros agreed.

“We are not one brand. Houston is a constantly changing, evolving city,” she said. “To throw out the birds, I don’t think that’s really the right thing.”

I am betting that’s the first time “ornithography” has ever been dropped at a council meeting.

I am with the birder folks on this one.

Bobby Richardson of course has the record for 12 RBIs in the 1960 World Serious and I don’t have anything from The Yard today.


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